About the Author

Laura F. Deutsch

Laura F. Deutsch is a writer who lives in Sharon, Massachusetts. She is a columnist for "The Jewish Advocate" and is currently working on a novel about wartime Austria.

Hitler and The Boxheim Documents

In 1931 The Boxheim Documents revealed how the Nazis were a terrorist organization that would use the defense of Germany as an excuse for violence. They were largely ignored.

Purim at Goebbels’ Castle

On March 8, 1945, a group of American soldiers observed Purim in Rheydt, Germany, vanquishing a modern-day Haman.

Stateless: When Germany Deported Thousands of Polish Jews in 1938

The Polenaktion was a precursor to sudden arrests, roundups, deportations, violence, seizure of property and countries making clear Jews were not welcome.

The Red ‘J’ of October

As a boy in Germany, seeing that Judenstempel on his passport made him realize that for the Nazis he was nothing but a Jewish object.

Living in Denial in Greece

We met a history teacher in Greece who denied the Holocaust and equated the murder of 300 Jews on a ship headed for Auschwitz to death by natural disaster.

The Serpent Crawls; We Don’t

Evil crawls toward us, but we can choose to use our legs and run away.

Shoes on the Danube

A moving sculpture memorializes Jews who were murdered in broad daylight along the river.

Passover: Days of Future Past

Two remarkable women in my family personify two disparate attitudes about life.

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