Chanukah: It's Greek to Me

Star Wars and My Search for Spirituality

The Last Jedi, Chanukah and the battle between the forces of light and darkness.

Why We Celebrate Hanukkah with Light

Why do we commemorate Hanukkah with the oil when the miracle of winning the war seems so much greater?

Chief Editor's Blog

Natalie Portman's Christmas Tree

The actress's desire for a Christmas tree isn't trivial. It represents the contemporary Jew's struggle to hold onto her Jewish identity.

Daf Yomi and Hanukkah: Becoming Engaged Jews

Enemies of the Jewish people try to get us to forget the Torah. Engaging in Torah learning ensures we remember it.

Hanukkah & Weddings: The Deeper Connection

Celebrating Hanukkah represents the same type of joy as getting married – we actively choose who we love in order to continue our people.

Hanukkah is Jewish Pride Week

On Hanukkah, we proclaim our difference with special enthusiasm, refusing a ‘woke’ form of universalism which does not allow for Jewish distinctiveness.

Rabbi Sacks' 8 Short Thoughts for Hanukkah

Illuminate Hanukkah with these inspiring insights.

Hanukkah and the Soul

Indispensable to the Jewish worldview is the idea that humans are unique, that we possess a spiritual component and that our actions are freely chosen.

The Fascinating Numbers of Hanukkah

Hanukkah: it’s all in the numbers.

Chief Editor's Blog

At My Grandson’s Bris: Hanukkah, Self-Sacrifice and the Infinite

The mohel instructed me to hold the baby’s legs tight, thrusting me into the reality of what was unfolding.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Jerusalem, Ben-Gurion and Hanukkah: Is the Date More than a Coincidence?

When major events occur on identical dates, God is winking at us.

Hanukkah: Seeing Beyond the Surface

Why is Hanukkah called the holiday of vision?

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Hanukkah & Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

May the Maccabees’ fire of idealism guide us to create a united Jerusalem recognized by all people as Israel’s capital.

Hanukkah: The Holiday of Peace

Why that small flask of pure oil is like the heart of every Jew.

Holy Jewish Chutzpah

When it comes to spirituality, never take no for an answer.

Three Lights: Hanukkah, Shabbat and Havdallah

Understanding Judaism’s requirement to generate light on three different occasions.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Never Give Up Hope

Why relight the menorah when reason dictated that a day later it would go dark once again?

Hanukkah & the Essence of True Beauty

Why did Judaism pose such a great threat to ancient Greece?

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Who Were the Maccabees?

Who are the heroes of Hanukkah?

Three Ways to Give Thanks this Hanukkah

Hanukkah is a special time for us to say thank You for all the little and big miracles in our lives.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech


The similarities – and essential differences – between Thanksgiving and Hanukkah.

Flames of Rebellion

Lighting Hanukkah candles is a brave act in the Maccabean tradition.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Jews and War

The Maccabees realized that there is a time to fight.

Let There Be Light

Understanding the cultural clash between the Greeks and the Jews.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Assimilation & the Chanukah Oil

Understanding the meaning of the Chanukah battle, a war unlike any other.

The Miracle of Chanukah

The military victory and the burning oil provide a deep lesson in self-discovery.

Miracle on Ice - Chanukah Edition

The Jewish definition of “miraculous” is different from Merriam-Webster.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Chanukah and Burnout

Why didn't God simply give the Jews an eight-day supply of oil?

Eight Ways to Banish the Darkness

Chanukah's eight powerful tools for bringing some light into the darkness.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Tiger Woods and Chanukah

Is a beautiful golf swing enough to make you a hero?

Alexander the Great and the Jewish High Priest

The astonishing connection between the two reflects the deeper meaning of Hanukkah.

The Nature of Nature

What's the difference between nature and the miraculous?

Sara Yoheved Rigler

The Chanukah Question

Is it a Jewish value to yield or to resist?

Taking Up Arms

What you and I today would have written off as an act of insanity, was in fact one of the greatest deeds in Jewish history.

Chanukah: The Prequel

The astonishing connection between Alexander the Great and the Jewish high priest.

Spinning the Dreidel

The discrepancy in how the Hanukkah dreidel and Purim gragger are spun reflect a profound lesson in the nature of the two holidays.

Natural is Supernatural, Naturally

Miracles don't happen anymore, do they?


The Greeks thought that physicality was a primary goal of man.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

The Capture of Saddam: A Chanukah Meditation

Some surprising lessons are unearthed with Saddam Hussein.

Chanukah: To Conceal and Reveal

Nurturing the subtle, contradictory strivings for intimacy.

Chanukah: Seeing in the Darkness

Chanukah and the murder of my son taught me a new way of seeing.

Out of the Closet

My mother, a Holocaust survivor, always said, "You can be a Jew on the inside, but not on the outside." It was just too risky.

Zeus and Greek Gods

Tthe Greeks took their gods as seriously as we take the stock market.

Greece: The Dark Side

Comparing the Greek exile to the darkness at the beginning of creation.

Publicizing Miracles

When we light Chanukah lights, we help each other remember God's miracles and kindnesses.

Knowledge Vs. Wisdom

The secret of why the Greek empire didn't survive more than a few hundred years.

Hanukkah: The Spiritual Battle Between Light and Darkness

The Greeks enlightened the world with art, philosophy and science. So why does Torah associate them with forces of darkness?

Kindling the Lights of Wisdom

The danger of religion does not lie in religious fervor, but in religious uncertainty.

Illuminating the Days of Darkness

The Greeks fought to uproot the Torah, the spiritual compass that kept the Jewish people pointed toward light through the dark exile.

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