Discovering the Gift of Shabbat

Finding the Off Switch: Five Reasons I Observe Shabbat

By regularly postponing our manic ascent up an assumed ladder of success, we come to see life from a broader, richer perspective.

5 Reasons to Celebrate Shabbat

More and more people are discovering the power of this weekly Jewish holiday.

Welcoming Shabbat on Zoom

People who never celebrated Shabbat are joining together each week to light candles, recite some prayers, sing and be inspired by one another.

Three Benefits of Celebrating Shabbat

Just in time for Shabbat Across the American and Canada.

Shabbat in Ibiza

Alexandre Elicha, the 43-year-old global style icon, creative director and co-founder of The Kooples, is a proud, Shabbat-observant Jew.

Shabbat Cures My Loneliness

In today's lonely world, Shabbat keeps us connected.

Shabbat as Social Action

As I learned more Torah, I started to understand that Judaism’s goal is to radically and completely change the world.

My Journey to Observing Shabbat

My five-year struggle to give up technology and learn to connect to my soul.

Shabbat and Vogue Magazine

It seems like everyone is tapping into the transformative power of Shabbat.

Living to Work

Egyptian slavery and man’s drive for meaning.

Men are from Weekday, Women are from Shabbat

Judaism, Shabbat and the feminine mystique.

Why Observing Shabbat Makes Me a Better Doctor

For starters, it keeps me sane.

Israel & the Shabbat Project

In the merit of Shabbat and the beauty of Jewish unity may we only know times of joy and triumph.

The Shabbat Project 2015

Around the globe, people are once again joining the biggest global Jewish unity event the world has ever seen.

The Shabbat Project: Making History

As the sun dips below the horizon on October 24, an estimated one million people worldwide will be participating in this extraordinary initiative.

Shabbat & Good Health

According to latest research, Shabbat improves mental, physical and emotional health.

Shabbat: God’s Perfect Universe

Why we rest on Shabbat.

Your Airplanes Shall Rest on Shabbat

Recalling the day when Menachem Begin stopped Israel’s national airline, El Al, from flying on Shabbat.

Discovering Angels

How the Jewish Sabbath transformed my life.


Stop the world, I wanna get off!

Heaven Can Wait: The Sabbath, Part 3

If heaven's eternal bliss really lasts for an eternity, why doesn't it get boring?

Big Creator, Little Creator: The Sabbath, Part 2

Rest is far more than the absence of work.

Does God Get Tired? The Sabbath: Part 1

Why would an All-Powerful God need to rest?

Shabbat Light

The power of the Havdallah candle.

Turn On the Lights

Why do we signify Shabbat's entry by lighting up the lights?

Shabbat - Heaven on Earth

For three millennia, Shabbat has been the Jewish oasis in time. Find out what's behind this weekly day off.

Inspired Chicken Soup

Sometimes the way to a man's soul is through his stomach.

The Weekly Wedding

What does it mean that Shabbat is married to the Jewish people?

The Great Cholent Divide

The only important difference amongst world Jewry is between those who love Cholent and those who hate it.

Hear the Quiet

In the era of Blackberries and Bluetooths, where can you find a vestige of absolute peace and quiet?

Shabbos in Vietnam

I was determined to take Saturdays off. My commander had other ideas.

My Cell Phone

I wanted to start keeping Shabbat, but it meant shutting off the cell phone I was enslaved to.

Around the Sabbath Table

I rarely use my passport, yet every Saturday I meet people from around the world.

The Stop Button

How I got out of the never-ending cycle of work, struggle and stress.

Challah: The Divine Dough

How Jewish women can unleash the holiness of bread.

Lively Shabbat Overview

It's the glue that holds together the Jewish family and the Jewish nation.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Why Seven Is Holy

On Shabbat, we shut out the world so we can hear our soul.

Shabbat Table

Preparing the Shabbat table -- gleaming silver and satin white - is a labor of love.

Make it on Sunday

My client called, perturbed that I'd stopped working on Shabbat.

It's Still Shabbat

What kind of Shabbat will it be in the hospital emergency room?

The Holocaust Lights

Thirteen pairs of eyes, huddled in the barracks. The sun has almost set.

Home for Shabbat

Stranded in Milwaukee with nowhere to go. A true story.

The Magic of Havdalah

Shabbat comes to a close in a most dramatic and touching way.

Shabbat Songs Inspiration

Understanding the mystical attraction of song.

The Parallel Universe

Abraham's world of Shabbat is personally piloted by God.

Tabernacle of Time

Shabbat is an anywhere-in-the-world, expense-free holy-time vacation.

Material vs. Spiritual

In Judaism, you can't be holy without the physical.

Rest and Relaxation

Our task is to go out and build our world. And then comes Day Seven.

Shabbat Candles: Lights of the Soul

Candles are lit at romantic dinners. Shabbat is a romantic love song.

Next Steps