Healing Rabbi Weinberg


5 min read


Rabbi Noah Weinberg was recently diagnosed with a serious illness. Each of us can do something to help.

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Then the person to thank is Rabbi Noah Weinberg, the revered and beloved founder and dean of Aish HaTorah International. For the past 50 years, Rabbi Weinberg has dedicated his life to helping countless Jews around the world connect to the beauty and wisdom of Torah.

Now you have the chance to give Rabbi Weinberg something in return.

He was recently diagnosed with a serious illness. This is an opportunity to galvanize everyone who has benefited from the work of Aish HaTorah in prayer and spiritual action for the sake of Rabbi Weinberg's recovery.

Here's what you can do:

First, pray for the complete recovery of Yisrael Noach ben Hinda.

Beyond this, each of us can show the Almighty that we want and need Rabbi Weinberg's continued guidance by taking one of his core teachings and committing yourself to grow in that area. Every physical action in this world is responded to in kind by the Almighty. Therefore the collective spiritual development will add to the merit of Rabbi Weinberg, and impact the Heavenly scales in his favor.

Here are some of the fundamental principles of Rabbi Weinberg's teachings that have inspired so many people. Pick an area in which to grow. Whether you work on changing something small or large, every mitzvah performed makes a difference. The key is to make a genuine commitment to change for the better, on behalf of the recovery of Yisrael Noach ben Hinda.

1. Focus on your priorities in life.

a. Get total clarity on your life's purpose and take the time to make a daily cheshbon hanefesh, spiritual accounting. What are your goals in life? What are your strategies to accomplish them?

b. Live with the reality that God loves you. Put your trust in Him. Spend 10 minutes a day working on the Torah's Six Constant Mitzvot, the pivotal commandments that focus us on life's ultimate purpose.

2. Increase your learning of Torah.

The Torah is the Almighty's instructions for living, the blueprint of creation. Whether it's an additional 10 minutes a day or week, designate more time to learn the wisdom of the Torah -- and put what you're learning into practice.

3. Love the Jewish people; fight for the Jewish people.

a. If Jews are united, the Almighty is with us. If we're divided, we're on our own. Reach out to a fellow Jew who is different than you and show him that you genuinely care. Share the beauty and depth of Judaism with a fellow Jew who may be disconnected.

b. The Jewish people are in grave danger; we must not remain silent. Become an informed activist and do what you can, whether it is combating radical Islam, exposing media bias or standing up for Israel.

4. Life is gorgeous; live with joy.

The Almighty created a beautiful world, bursting with pleasure and limitless potential. Take time to focus on the gifts He has given you and live life to the fullest.

For years, Rabbi Weinberg has taught that we must feel one another's pain. And now it is our turn to put that into practice to help Rabbi Weinberg. The Talmud (Brachot 12b) says: "If a Torah scholar is in distress, one must become sick over him." If we have compassion for Rabbi Weinberg by genuinely sharing in his pain, this arouses Heaven to have mercy on Rabbi Weinberg as well.

Let each of us do what we can to help Rabbi Weinberg -- by storming the Heavens with our prayers, teshuva, and spiritual growth.

Update: December 24, 2008

After undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments in Israel earlier this year, Rabbi Weinberg has been recuperating but is still very weak. In the midst of all this, Rabbi Weinberg never stopped moving forward in his lofty goals. He came to Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem almost every day – teaching and strategizing ways to help the Jewish people.

In December 2008, Rabbi Weinberg fell and broke his thigh bone and shoulder. An operation was performed and the doctors are optimistic about the recovery. He is currently in the hospital, undergoing rehabilitation and gaining back his strength.

Rabbi Weinberg is constantly focused on the fact that the Almighty loves us and is watching over us. Through this, Rabbi Weinberg is strengthening others in trust in God's kindness, and has full hope that he will overcome the illness, God willing.

Every moment of the day, somewhere in the world, people are doing good deeds and saying heart-felt prayers in the merit of Rabbi Weinberg's healing. There is no doubt that this continues to have a significant role in Rabbi Weinberg's improved health, despite any pessimistic predictions.

Rabbi Weinberg personally thanks everyone for all their efforts, prayers and concern. It really makes a tremendous difference.

Chanukah is the time that we see how the impossible can become possible, especially for those devoted to fighting for the sake of God and the Jewish people. Yet the passing of time can desensitize us and cause us to accept the status quo. We must not forget the seriousness of the situation and become complacent. We pray that God sends Rabbi Weinberg a full and speedy recovery -- so that he can return to continue to teach, guide and inspire us for many years to come.

Include Your Comments

If you have ever been inspired by Aish HaTorah and Rabbi Weinberg, please use the comment section below to convey your thoughts which will be delivered to Rabbi Weinberg.

Also, Rabbi Weinberg's family is compiling a list of the names of people he has impacted. The list -- currently numbering in the tens of thousands -- will be given to Rabbi Weinberg to encourage him in his battle for good health. If you would like to be included, please submit your name (s) to eyaht@aish.com.

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