The Irrationality of Antisemitism

What Is the Jewish Concept of Charity?

Tzedakah is loosely translated as charity, but it means much more than that.


Faith After the Holocaust

How could humanity allow the Holocaust to happen?

Contending With the Holocaust

Beneath the suffering and pain of the Holocaust lie the seeds of understanding our mission as Jews, even today.

You Know More Hebrew Words Than You Think

How many of these Hebrew words do you know?

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Identifying as a Jew

What saved the enslaved Jews of Egypt?

Sara Yoheved Rigler

The Purpose of Leaving Egypt

Three central lessons from the Passover story.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

The Passover Seder’s Most Important Idea

Passover celebrates the concept of a personal God who cares about us and is the ultimate director of history.

Raise a Glass to Freedom

Passover connects Jews through the ages and around the globe by retelling the Jewish People’s ongoing story.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Passover & Jewish Destiny

Matzah symbolizes hope, especially this year.

The Design Argument for God’s Existence

Is there a compelling, science-based argument that God exists? Check this one out.

What Are the Early Prophets?

A snapshot view of the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings, chronicling the story of the Jewish nation after the death of Moses.

Elevator Pitches for God

Five personal perspectives on why believe in God.

I'm Proud to be a Zionist

Canadians shouldn’t be harassed for supporting the right for Jews to have a state in our ancestral homeland.

Why I Joined – and Left – My Company’s DEI Group

DEI’s minimization of antisemitism is only one of its faults.

Navalny’s “Virus of Freedom” is Spreading

Prisoners of conscience risk their lives for the freedom we take for granted. They deserve to know that we have not forgotten them.

The Hebrew Month of Nissan: Blossoms of Redemption

The month that moves us out of being enslaved to our egos.

Chief Editor's Blog

10 Things to Love about Being Jewish

Now's the time to reassert your Jewish identity with increased pride and joy.

Jews Have Nowhere Else to Go

But don’t Jews have the whole world to go to just like everyone else on the planet?

What Is the Jewish Bible?

How was the Tanach compiled, who wrote it, what is its theological significance, and do archeological finds support its historical claims?

What Makes Food Kosher?

A basic primer on Judaism’s laws of keeping kosher.

The Truth about Religion: Using Evidence to Decide What to Believe

Religions tell stories about the world. We want to know if there is truth in those stories. How can we find this out?


Love in Judaism

What's love got to Jew with it? 

Charles Darwin: Anti-Prejudice, Pro-Bible Revolutionary

Darwin was neither the darling of the atheist nor the villain of the theist.

Deeper Meaning of 9 Common Jewish Words

Do you know the origins of these Jewish terms?

How the Jews Changed the World

And we don’t even realize it.

What Is the Jewish Calendar?

The Jewish calendar is a sophisticated, accurate system that has been in use for millennia. It’s also an important tool for spiritual growth.

Jews Aren't People Pleasers

Throughout history, the Jewish People have held onto their identity, resisting external pressures and preserving their beliefs and values.

What Is the Torah?

The Torah is the central work of Jewish belief. What’s in it and who wrote it?

Science, Religion and a Cosmologist’s Return to Judaism: An Interview with Dr. Brian Keating

A leading cosmologist, Dr. Keating was a Catholic altar boy before he discovered his Judaism later in life.


Do Jews Believe in the Afterlife? 

Discover Jewish beliefs about the afterlife and the role of heaven and hell in Judaism.

What Is Judaism?

A brief history and overview of the core beliefs of the world’s oldest monotheistic faith.

The Psychology of Jewish Conspiracy Theories

A deep dive into the intricate psychology behind mass antisemitism.


AI & Judaism: Exploring the Connection

How the Torah is the original A.I., except there’s nothing artificial about it.

Antisemites Thrive When Jews are Embarrassed about their Judaism

#The October 8th Jew must not only lean in to their unapologetic Zionism but must embrace, live, and promote unapologetic Judaism. 


Do Jews Believe in Aliens? Astrology & Judaism

Do Jews believe in aliens? Does astrology play a role in Judaism? Get all your questions answered in this episode of Jew Know It.

Who is the Messiah?

And how will we recognize him when he comes?

What Are the Ten Commandments?

The Ten Commandments express the tenets of ethical monotheism and are a pillar of Western civilization. What are they and what makes them Jewish?

Judaism's Transformative Power through Ideas

Judaism is a way of understanding the world and contains life-changing ideas.


The Real Reason Why People Hate Jews

Explaining antisemitism.

What Hamas Can Learn from Hanukkah

The promise of Hanukkah and of Jewish history is that Hamas will ultimately fail and fade into oblivion.

Diversity, Equity, and Exclusion

DEI distorts classical liberal values that form the bedrock of western democracies. It also vilifies Jews.


What’s Jewish about Thanksgiving?

Understanding Thanksgiving from a Jewish perspective.

What Would Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Do?

Gila Sacks, the rabbi’s daughter, on how her father would want us to take action and protest, and to cling to hope.

Judaism and Cosmetic Surgery

It’s easy to dismiss cosmetic surgery as an exercise in vanity. But that isn’t the Jewish approach.


Why I Changed My Mind and Decided Not to Cremate My Loved One

Six Jews share why they decided to opt for burial and not cremation.


A Jewish Perspective On Halloween

Why do people enjoy being scared? What's with all the candy? Explore the connections between Jewish concepts and Halloween.

Why They Rip Down the 'Kidnapped from Israel' Fliers

Antisemitism has the power to override every norm and decent impulse.

Chief Editor's Blog

The Meaning of Hamas and My Son’s Bar Mitzvah

It’s no accident that the word “hamas” in Hebrew means violence and murder.

The Meaning of Am Yisrael Chai

We always knew how to die together. The time has come for us to know also how to live together.

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