Masay 5774


7 min read


Masay (Numbers 33-36 )

GOOD MORNING!   We who care about Israel are worried and wish that there is something that we can do to help. My colleague and friend, Rabbi Jack Kalla, offers 7 ways we can help Israel:

1. Prayer --Not only does it work, but it helps us cope with the situation, by talking it out with God. When you pray, be specific. If you have a friend or family member fighting, pray for his/her safety. If you know somebody living in Israel, plead with the Almighty to keep them out of harm's way.

Pray that the Israeli weapons work, and that the Hamas weapons don't. Pray that the leaders will gain (and maintain) the clarity they need to fight this war, despite international pressure. Pray for the protection of IDF soldiers as they root out every last terrorist.

Ask God to heal Israel's wounded soldiers and civilians and to thwart future terrorist attacks. Pray for the Arabs to realize the true nature of their leadership and doctrines that teach hate and murder. Most of all, pray intensely, frequently, and sincerely. You can send prayers via the Western Wall at

There is a time-honored custom to recite Psalms in times of distress. King David wrote stirring words that seem to be for our exact situation today. Recommended are Psalms 20, 83, 121,130 and 142.

For the text of the Prayer for Israeli Soldiers --

2. Care -- It is difficult to truly care about people and situations from which we are distant. So, to overcome this difficulty, try the following exercise for three minutes a day. Look at pictures of soldiers standing in a tank. Stare at a picture of a soldier who has been killed in action. Now imagine that it was, God forbid, your son, husband, or your best friend. When you are watching the news and see missiles hitting Israel, picture it as your house being struck. How would you act differently? By harnessing the power of imagination, we will care more deeply and be propelled into action.

If you know someone living in Israel, pick up the phone and call them. Assure them that you share their pain and understand what they're going through. Send e-mails of support to any Israelis you know. Let them know they are not alone!

3. Share -- Whether you live in Israel or abroad, reach out to the soldiers and the residents of southern Israel with your time, money and other resources.

Here are a few initiatives you can participate in:

  • Yad Eliezer -- sending thousands of gift packs to our soldiers near Gaza.
  • Yad Ezra v'Shulamit -- sending tons of food to families being attacked by Hamas rockets.
  • United With Israel -- building bomb shelters in Israeli communities under attack.
  • -- delivers your personal letter of thanks and a care package of items soldiers need.
  • -- pairs you with an Israeli soldier to pray for and to create merit through your deeds and prayers.

If you're not in a position to donate, you can ask others to do so, or collect money and forward to one of the above organizations. Most importantly, get involved.

4. Protest bias in the media -- The media has a powerful influence on public opinion and government policy. When you discover a piece of bias, immediately contact the news agency and complain. Keep your remarks respectful and stick to the facts. You can join a media watch email list at which has 150,000 subscribers protesting biased news against Israel.

5. Increase Torah study -- In Jewish thought, nothing can compare to the spiritual effect of learning Torah. Make a commitment to a specific increase in the amount of time you learn each day. Attend a class about Judaism, or pick something from the recommended reading list by clicking here. The impact of a few extra minutes of Torah learning is enormous.

6. Get the facts -- Bombarded with claims of excessive force? The next time you hear something that puts down Israel, know how to respond. Be a roving ambassador for Israel by explaining the true facts to everyone you meet. Even the cashier in the supermarket needs good information. You never know how your contribution may affect someone else's views. The worst thing is to remain quiet at times like this.

7. Recognize the God factor -- With all the practical efforts to help Israel - media watch, education, economic assistance, political lobbying, etc. - don't forget the spiritual component! The very existence of the Jewish people after 3,500 years - and the return to the land after a long exile - is miraculous. Understand the significance of Abraham's covenant with God. Each of us, on whatever level of observance, must strive to connect.

Remember: God is in ultimate control. He has done miracles before and will do them again.

Ultimately, reviving our devotion to the Almighty is going to bring about the revival of the land, and our people as a whole. Pick one area of your life to improve in, or one additional mitzvah to perform. When you do the mitzvah, have in mind for God to use the merit of the mitzvah to help protect Israel and its people.

When we stop arguing amongst ourselves and work together, then we can stand united against the enemy, and the Almighty with us. Get a group of friends together and spend one hour brainstorming for more ideas how you can help Israel. Now is the time to lay down our differences and work together.

Through all of our combined efforts, may the Almighty protect the Land of Israel and its people.


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Torah Portion of the week

Masei, Numbers 33:1 - 36:13

Masei includes the complete list of journeys in the desert (the name of each stop hints at a deeper meaning, a lesson learned there). God commands to drive out the land's inhabitants, to destroy their idols and to divide the land by a lottery system. God establishes the borders of the Land of Israel. New leadership is appointed, cities of the Levites and Cities of Refuge (where an accidental murderer may seek asylum) are designated. Lastly, the laws are set forth regarding accidental and willful murder as well as inheritance laws only for that generation regarding property of a couple where each came from a different tribe. And thus ends the book of Numbers!

* * *

Dvar Torah
based on Growth Through Torah by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

In the list of travels through the desert, the Torah states:

"And they traveled from Kivrot Hata'avah" (Number 33:17).

As mentioned above, the names of the places hint at a deeper meaning, a lesson learned there. What do we learn from the name Kivrot Hata'avah?

Rabbi Yitzchok of Vorki tells us that the Torah is hinting to us here to keep a distance from desires. The words Kivrot Hata'avah mean "burial place of desires." A person needs to be on guard that his desires do not cause him an early burial. How can one overcome his desires? Says Rabbi Yitzchok, "by focusing on the words 'they traveled' in the desert and remembering that we, too, are only traveling temporarily in this world on our path to the next world. Therefore, we should not give in to immediate temporal desires which can destroy our lives in this world and impact our life in the world to come.

The goal: be in control of your desires and do not allow your desires to control you!


Candle Lighting Times

July 25
(or go to

Jerusalem 7:06
Guatemala 6:15 - Hong Kong 6:49 - Honolulu 6:55
J'Burg 5:19 - London 8:41 - Los Angeles 7:42
Melbourne 5:09 - Mexico City 7:57 - Miami 7:53
New York 8:00 - Singapore 6:58 - Toronto 8:30

Quote of the Week

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity
--  Albert Einstein


With Special Thanks to

Mr. Avraham


In Honor of My Dad


With love,
Alan Goldberg


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