Mikeitz 5760


5 min read


Mikeitz (Genesis 41:1-44:17 )

There are two ways to gain wisdom about life -- study revealed wisdom (the Torah) or look at life and
distill the wisdom (philosophy, history, science). In Jewish law, one
is obligated to stand for a scholar and for an elderly person -- even
if the elderly person is not well-versed in Torah. Why? If a person
is advanced in years he has lived life and has therefore gained
wisdom about life.

We can even learn lessons from the animals. I bring to you
this week a beautiful piece I received from Neil Hamburger who
received it from his sister, Nancy Nashban. It discerns wisdom
from the behavior of geese. By the way, if you would like to read an
uplifting and insightful book which investigates the inherent purpose
and design of creation, read Designer World by Rabbi Avraham
Katz, distributed by Feldheim Books (available from your local
Jewish bookstore or by calling toll free 877-758-3242).


As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird
following. By flying in a V formation, the whole flock adds a 71%
longer flying range than if each bird flew alone. Lesson: People
who share a common direction and sense of community can go
where they are going quicker and easier when they travel on the
thrust of one another.

Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels
the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone and quickly gets back
into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird
immediately in front. Lesson: If we have as much sense as a
goose, we will stay in formation with those who are headed where
we want to go.

When the lead goose tires, it rotates back into the formation
and another goose takes over at the point position. Lesson: It
pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership
because people, like geese, are interdependent upon each other.

The geese in formation honk from behind to encourage
those up front to keep up their speed. Lesson: We need to make
sure our honking from behind is encouraging -- not something less

When a goose gets sick or wounded or shot down, two
geese drop out of formation and follow him down to help and
protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly again or
dies. Then they launch out on their own, either with another
formation or to catch up with the original flock. Lesson: If we have
as much sense as geese, we'll stand by each other like they do.

Portion of the Week

Pharaoh dreams of cows and sheaves and demands for
someone to interpret his dreams. The wine butler remembers
Joseph's ability to interpret dreams. They bring Joseph from the jail.
Pharaoh acknowledges the truth of Joseph's interpretation (that
there would be seven good years followed by seven years of
famine) and raises Joseph to second-in-command of the whole
country with the mandate to prepare for the famine.

Ten of Joseph's brothers come to Egypt to buy food,
Joseph recognizes them, but they don't recognize him. Joseph
accuses them of being spies and puts them through a series of
machinations in order to get them to bring his brother Benjamin to
Egypt. Then Joseph frames Benjamin for stealing his special wine

Next week ... the denouement!


Dvar Torah
based on Growth Through Torah by
Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

Pharaoh likes Joseph's interpretation of his dream and then appoints him to be in charge of Egypt's economy. The Torah states, "And Pharaoh said to Joseph, 'after the Almighty has
informed you of all this, there is no one who is as understanding and wise as you.' " How could Pharaoh trust Joseph whose resume listed his last two positions as "convict" and "slave"?

Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz, former head of the Mir Yeshiva,
explained that Pharaoh saw Joseph's extreme honesty when
Joseph began by saying that he had no power to interpret dreams
on his own; that it was entirely a gift from the Almighty. Joseph did
not want to take credit even for a moment. This total honesty in one
minor point showed that Joseph could be completely trusted.

Note that Pharaoh saw one minor positive point in Joseph's
character and extrapolated it to a larger scale. This should be our
model in viewing people. Keep finding minor strengths and good
qualities in others and then give the person positive feedback. This
can help someone build a positive self-image. The more a person
sees himself as having positive attributes, the more motivated he
will be to utilize those strengths for further growth.

Many people have a tendency to notice minor faults and
weaknesses in others and then keep telling them that they have
major character problems. More can be accomplished to help
people by focusing on the positive than harping on the negative ...
especially if they have low self-esteem.

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