Shmini 5759


5 min read


Shmini (Leviticus 9-11 )


Now is an important time to pray for world peace. The people of Kosovo certainly need our prayers ... as do the people of Yugoslavia. It is interesting to compare the reaction of the world today with the world 2,000 years ago. Two thousand years ago the world touted war as the great heroic adventure, the proof of the nation. The Jewish people taught then, as now, the concept of world peace -- "Beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nations shall not
lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore" (Isaiah 2:2-4).

Today we go to war not for conquest and pillage, but for the
sake of human rights and the right to life -- Jewish values to which
the world has subscribed. Let us pray that we have the fortitude to
adhere to our beliefs and principles. Our modern world is one of
instant gratification; if it takes too long, becomes boring, costs one
American life, there is that tendency to turn the channel and to
modify one's values...

My heartfelt thanks to all who responded to "The Russin 10
Bucks Appeal"! Final score: 112 people gave $10; 89 people
gave more than 10 dollars. I especially appreciate the notes that
some readers sent. I keep every note (actually, just the positive
ones) in a folder. I think of it as my "Depression File" -- if I ever feel
depressed, I can go to the folder to read the notes and letters!


On the second day of Pesach, the Omer offering from the
new barley crop was brought in the Temple in Jerusalem. It began
a period of counting and preparation for Shavuot, the anniversary of
the giving of the Torah and the yearly celebration of re-accepting
the Torah upon ourselves. This period is called Sephirat HaOmer,
the counting of the Omer.

Forty-nine days are counted each year and on the fiftieth
day is Shavuot, the Yom Tov celebrating the giving of the Torah.
There is actually a mitzvah to count each specific day which is done
at the completion of Ma'ariv, the evening service.

This is a period of national semi-mourning (no weddings or
even haircuts). It was during this period that Rabbi Akiva's 24,000
students died for not showing proper respect towards each other. It
is a time for us to reflect how we look upon and treat our fellow
Jews as well as the tragedies that have befallen us because of
unfounded (self-justified) hatred. It is a wonderful time to undertake
to do an extra act of kindness; this will help to help bring perfection
to the world and unity amongst Jews.

These 50 days also correspond to the seven weeks after
the Exodus from Egypt when the Jewish people prepared
themselves to receive the Torah at Mt. Sinai. When we left Egypt
we were on the 49th level of Tuma, spiritual degradation. Each day
we climbed one step higher in spirituality and holiness. Many
people study one of the "48 Ways to Wisdom" (Ethics of the
Fathers, 6:6) each day as a means to personal and spiritual growth.
An excellent tape collection by the great educator and founder of
Aish HaTorah, Rabbi Noah Weinberg, is available for $135 from
your local Jewish bookstore or by calling (800) 864-2373. I refer to
this collection of 25 tapes as the "Jewish Dale Carnegie Course"
for getting the most out of life! It will be one of the great purchases
in your life!

Portion of the Week

Concluding the 7 days of inauguration for the Mishkan
(Portable Sanctuary), Aaron, the High Priest, brings sacrifices for
himself and the entire nation. Nadav and Avihu, sons of Aaron,
bring an incense offering on their own initiative, and are consumed
by a heavenly fire (perhaps the only time when someone did
something wrong and was immediately hit by "lightning").

The Cohanim are commanded not to serve while
intoxicated. The inaugural service is completed. G-d then specifies
the species which are kosher to eat: mammals (those that have
cloven hoofs and chew their cud), fish (those with fins and scales),
birds (certain non-predators), and insects ( certain species of
locusts). The portion concludes with the laws of spiritual defilement
from contact with the carcasses of certain animals.


Dvar Torah
based on Growth Through Torah by
Rabbi Zelig Pliskin

The Torah states, "And these you shall consider an abomination amongst the birds, they shall not be eaten; they are
detestable -- ... and the stork" (Leviticus 11:13,19). The Ramban,
Moshe Nachmanides, a great Torah scholar, writes that the birds
enumerated in this portion are forbidden for consumption because
of their cruelty. The stork's name in Hebrew is chasida because it
acts with kindness, chesed, towards its friends. Why, then, should
the stork be considered "detestable" and an "abomination"?

The Chidushai Ha-Rim answers: The stork does favors
only for its friends. since it doesn't do chesed for strangers, it is
considered not kosher. Chesed, kindness, must be done for
everyone, not only one's friends!

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