Blue Tallit Stripes - Why is a particular blue color associated with Judaism? For example the Israeli flag, and the stripes on the tallit. More »
Medical Volunteer - I found some information about at our Hillel at the University of Arizona in Tucson and thought that you might be able to advise me. I am a pre-med student and am looking to volunteer in an overseas medical… More »
Jewish Leadership - In biblical times, there always was a prophet of God who was guiding and advising Israel's kings. At the present time there is no such prophet. How does Israel's prime minister know he is doing the right thing, according to… More »
Religious-Secular Strife - I am very disturbed at the growing divisions between the Orthodox and secular communities in Israel in particular, and in Judaism, in general. The Jewish people are so few in number that we cannot afford such sharp and bitter divisions.… More »
Requirement to Visit Israel? - I know about the importance of Israel and its centrality to our national narrative. But does the Torah require a Jew to visit Israel at least once? More »
Safe to Visit Israel? - I'm a college student and have always wanted to visit Israel. I have the opportunity this summer to come for a free Birthright trip. But my parents are afraid of the security situation. Is it safe to come visit Israel… More »
Self Discovery - I grew up in the United States and at around age 20 became disillusioned with society. I just felt that the materialism and commercialism was breeding too much greed and corruption. So I have been traveling the world, looking for… More »
Sylvester Day - I understand that in Israel the secular New Year is referred to as "Yom Sylvester." Where does this name come from? More »
Temple Mount - I am not loving the fact that the view today from the Western Wall Camera includes the Dome of the Rock. How can I overcome the heartbreak every time I see our holy Temple Mount being occupied by another religion? More »
Trip to Israel - I will be bringing my family to Israel this summer for our first visit ever. Needless to say we are very excited. We want to have the maximum experience in the 10 days we have available. What would you recommend… More »
What is Holiness? - I recently heard a rabbi speak about the need to bring holiness into our lives. He spoke about eating kosher food, speaking positively about others, and acting in a generally holy way. But I don't feel I have a handle… More »
Who is a Zionist? - I try to keep up on Israeli politics and I will sometimes see a reference to "non-Zionist Orthodox parties." I don’t understand how people who live in Israel can be "non-Zionists." What is the definition of Zionism, anyway? More »
Why the Holy Land? - What's the deal with the Land of Israel? Why not Uganda, for example, or maybe Brooklyn? More »
Yeshiva Students and Army Service - Why do most yeshiva students not serve in the Israeli army? More »
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