About the Author

Eitiel Goldwicht

Parsha: The 4 Happiness Habits of Purim

How to live a life filled with happiness.

Parsha: True Freedom: A Sanctuary in Time and Space

The book of Exodus did not conclude when the Jews were liberated from Egypt, nor when they received the Torah at Har Sinai. It only reaches its completion once the Mishkan, the tabernacle, is constructed and erected.

Parsha: Everyone Counts

Parsha: Clothing and the First Betrayal

Parsha: The Value of Giving

Parsha: A White Lie

Parsha: First Speak to the Women

Parsha: The Bitter and the Sweet

Parsha: Questions Worth Asking

Parsha: Real Gratitude

Parsha: The Making of a Leader

Parsha: A True Blessing

Parsha: Proper Intentions


Tragedy in Meron

How to respond to a day of celebration that became a day of tremendous sadness? .


Why Only Hanukkah Is Celebrated as a Family

Judaism places the value of a happy marriage more than military victory, children more than soldiers, and the home more than the battlefield.


The Temple Mount: A Jerusalem Day Tour from the Aish HaTorah Rooftop

Exploring the significance of Judaism's holiest location.


The First Quarantine in Egypt

Why the Jewish people could not leave their homes Passover night.


Three Responses to Coronavirus

Now is the time to strengthen the three pillars the world is standing upon.


Looking for God: A Lesson from a Survivor

Everything can stripped away from us, except our choice.


Celebrating Your Uniqueness on Rosh Hashanah

It's our choices in life that define who we really are.


Passover’s Three Steps to Personal Freedom

The meaning of Pesach, Matzah and Maror.


Purim: How to Live a Happy and Meaningful Life

The 4 mitzvot of Purim teach us 4 steps to increasing happiness.


The Meaning of Thank You

Why is it so hard for us to give genuine thanks?


How to Live in a State of Happiness: The Secret of Sukkot

Leaving behind the extraneous and focusing on the core essentials that truly make us happy.


Choosing Your Destiny this Yom Kippur: Don’t Blame, Take Responsibility

There is nothing more empowering and liberating than taking your life into your own hands.


Yom Kippur: The Three Levels of Forgiveness

How to truly forgive someone who has hurt you.


The Cry of the Shofar: Its Incredible Power and Meaning

The shofar pierces our external personas and reconnects us to our true inner selves.


Hating Israel: Understanding Tisha B’Av through Today’s Headlines

How preconceived notions cause baseless hatred.


Matzah: Running Out of Time

This is your chance. Don’t miss it!


Festival of Trees: Why Celebrate in the Dead of Winter?

The art of making the bitter sweet.


Hanukkah: The Battle for Beauty

How to rise above society’s impossible standards of beauty and attain real self-esteem.


Why Do We Say Shabbat Shalom?

The deeper Kabbalistic significance of Shabbat.


The Ultimate Love Letter

Despite the distance, it has forged an unbreakable bond for generations.


My Father’s Best Marriage Advice & the Power of Purim

Why all Jews should care about Purim.


New York's Great Hanukkah Blackout

How could my dinky menorah compete with all those dazzling lights?

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