Did God Speak at Sinai?

The Five Belts of Being Intellectual

Gaining objective definitions is the first step to intellectual honesty. Applying those definitions to life is what determines greatness.


Q&A: Why Do Religious Jews Dress the Way They Do?

How clothes make the man.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

Jewish โ€œFake Newsโ€

5 common misconceptions about Jews and Judaism.

What The Angel Taught You

Seven keys to life fulfillment.

Five Levels of Pleasure

Life is full of pleasures. But some are a quantum leap above the rest.

The ABC's of Judaism

Embedded deep in our consciousness is the knowledge of life's precious secrets. The key to access them is the ABCs.

4 Misconceptions Jews Have About Judaism

Exploring Judaism can mean un-learning mistaken ideas, as much as it means learning new ones.

How Can We Be Sure of Anything

In this age of information overload, how do we sort out the good from the bad? Here are powerful techniques to really "know what you know."

The Meaning Of Life

Until you know what you are willing to die for, you have not yet begun to live.

The Long Road to Heaven

If God loves us, why did He place us in such a dark and evil world?

Good without God

Reason alone is not enough to keep human beings humane.

Sin Is Not What It Seems

The word "sin" has no connection with endless guilt and eternal damnation. But it does have a lot to do with archery.

Your 10 Guiding Principles for Life

A tool for staying focused on what's really important in life.

God's Masterplan

The world is one long chain of events, dating all the way back to Adam.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

Exodus: What's the Big Deal?

Every component of the Exodus was meant to reveal another facet of how God is involved in the world.

Nike and the Purpose of Life

What is the purpose of existence? Let's first answer: What is the purpose of the Nike shoe factory?

Seeing the Elephant

It's natural to protect ourselves from information we perceive as threatening. But it can be a big monkey wrench in seeing the elephant and recognizing God.

Our Drive For Meaning

Meaning is one of man's greatest needs. Can life have meaning if existence is the result of a random occurrence?

Search for Truth

Searching for religious truth is more than a matter of faith. It requires a blend of genuine tolerance with cogent reasoning and intellectual honesty.

Moral Independence

Being a Jew demands developing the intellectual and moral courage to live by what is true, even if the whole world stands opposed.

Sara Yoheved Rigler

The Atheist Crusade

A Jewish rebuttal to Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion



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